I was saved in my bed at night when I was ten years old. It was around May of 1984. I was worried about where I would go if I died. I was saying my prayers before I went to sleep and asked the Lord to save the lost, and if I was lost, for Him to save me.
I knew that Jesus died for me and that my sins were what hung Him on the cross. I wanted to be saved more than anything in the world. I felt a strange sense of relief and calm come over me as I prayed. I went right to sleep without a worry. The next day I felt different. Something had changed. I felt as white as snow on the inside and my heart was filled with love and joy that I couldn’t explain
The next night, while saying my prayers, I did not feel like I was lost and I asked the Lord to let me know if I was saved. I began to doubt my salvation, but He saved me that night in my bed.
I prayed for the next few weeks to know if I was saved. On Homecoming day at Cross Roads Church, the Wilburn Family sang and Mrs. Wilburn gave her testimony. She told how she was saved and how the devil made her doubt her salvation. She said you will know you are saved because you will love Jesus more than anything. I felt the Spirit that day like I never had before. I knew that I was saved. I got a great blessing from the singing and testimonies. I felt like my heart was bubbling over and I wanted everyone to know what I had. The next Sunday I joined the church and was baptized shortly thereafter.