I have been very blessed in my life to have grown up hearing about being saved and being taught about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a small child I remember my mother sharing stories of how some of our loved ones were saved and the importance of salvation. I remember the first night I was convicted just like it was yesterday. I had been in the basement of the old church playing after a revival service one night while other were upstairs seeking the Lord. There had already been several souls saved that night. When I came upstairs to see what was going on, this awful feeling came over me. I knew I had never felt like that before, I felt like I was going to die. I wish now as I look back that I would have chosen to seek the Lord that night because I believe with all my heart that He would have saved my soul that night. Instead, I let the devil talk me into putting it off. That was the biggest mistake I could have made. For years after this night I put off salvation. Revival after revival would come around, and I would lie to those who loved me the most and say that I was not lost. Finally after several years I could not take being lost anymore. I knew I had to do something; I needed peace in my heart more than anything in this world. Revival was coming up, and I had my mind made up that I was going to the altar to seek the Lord that Monday night no matter what. By the grace of the Lord, He did convict me that night. I did not find peace that night and I continued to seek the Lord. Two or three years after this, I was ready to give up. I had tried all I knew to try. I had been to the altar many times and it seemed like I was not being convicted like I once was. I remember clearly one night during revival I was sitting back while others were seeking the Lord, and Mrs. Norma Hedges came back to sit with me. I was so broken because I did not know what to do. Brother Massey came back and told me that he was going to pray that the Lord would deepen my conviction. I knew that was what I needed. I went home that night and went straight to my bed. I was very serious. My heart was actually hurting so bad and I was ready to die right there trusting in the Lord. Then something happened to me. It is really indescribable, but it felt like something touched my heart. Everything stood still and I remember thinking; “was I just saved?” I thought about getting up and telling all my family and friends. The devil immediately began telling me that I was not saved, that was just my heart beating weird because I was so upset. So I went for years without telling anyone what had happened to me. I never felt lost again. Every time I would pray to the Lord about being saved, He would take me right back to that night. My true peace and satisfaction came the night that I told the church what my Lord had done for me. I do not know the day or even the exact year that I was saved. I knew that I had been saved, and the night that I joined the church I felt like flying away after the service. I had true peace at last. I know I did not deserve to be saved after rejecting my Lord for so many years. I see my salvation as a miracle because my Savior was so merciful to forgive the worst sinner like me. I could never thank him enough, and I give all the honor and glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was also so fortunate that through all the years, I had my best friends in the world, my church family, right there praying for me. They all mean the world to me and are very special to me.