It was about 1967 and I was at Cross Roads during their annual revival at the evening service. I believe it was the first revival meeting that I had ever been to. Bro. Robert Noles was preaching that night and his message was about hell. As I was listening to the message, I suddenly KNEW that hell was where I was headed and that I needed to call on the Lord for salvation. I knew that I needed to go to the altar but I managed to grip the pew, hold on until the service was over, and make it home. When I got home I was still under heavy conviction and went to my bedroom. I had never felt so miserable in my entire life! I sought the Lord for what seemed like a very long time by my bedside and finally he SAVED MY SOUL and the miserable feeling was gone! I was young and really wasn’t sure what had happened and didn’t talk to anyone about it, which was a big mistake. For the next ten years I seldom attended church and mainly attended to worldly things. After experiencing trouble in my life, I began to call on the Lord for help in getting my life on the right track. I asked Him to let me know if I was really saved and He would always take my mind back to that TIME and PLACE beside my bed. I then realized that I was saved but I also knew there was something else that I needed to do and that was to TELL about being saved and join the church by baptism. The Lord made that plain to me. One morning at Cross Roads revival service I jumped up out of the pew and gave my testimony of salvation and asked to join the church. I didn’t wait for Brother Gurley to open the doors of the church; I had to do it that day! I was warmly received into the church and I had never felt such happiness in all my life! I was then able to experience TRUE PEACE like never before because I finally followed the Lord’s COMMANDMENT. Words cannot express what a great blessing the Lord and this church has been to me and my family. I can’t see how people live without them. Thanks be unto God for His unsearchable riches.