I was raised in a different denomination, and thought, since I had repeated “The Prayer” and had been “sprinkled”, I was on my way to heaven. I came to Cross Roads 3 or 4 times & was very uncomfortable here. I did not know why I did not like this church, no one had been unfriendly, but for some reason I was miserable when Bro. Carver started. I was 24 years old, had never heard of conviction or repentance, and had no idea what was wrong until I listened to some of the morning service one Sunday morning in August, 1987. I did not know many people in this church, and really didn’t want
to embarrass myself, or my husband, or his family-but when an alter call was made I hit it as quickly as I could. Before the preacher could make it to me, I had convinced myself I was insane & headed back to my seat in the pew-then out the back door as quickly as I could go. I worked up the courage to tell my father-in-law how I was feeling and he explained conviction. I spent the rest of the day trying to pray the prayer I thought God wanted to hear. Back at church that night I finally got to the point where God wanted me. The incredible peace that I found let me know without a doubt,