Cross Roads Missionary Baptist Church believes in worshipping, learning, working and playing together. Our goal is to reach the highest spiritual plane possible with our Lord through learning from His Word and applying it to our lives. We want to share it with others so they can experience our joy in the Lord. We love to fellowship with each other in many different ways. The following are a few of the ministries we have to enrich lives and relationships.
- Sunday Morning (10:45 A.M.) and Evening (6:00 P.M.) Worship Services – We strive to uplift, honor and glorify our Lord through song, prayer and worship. The Word of God is shared to meet the needs of all present. It is intended to convict the lost and lead them to Salvation while providing for the growth of all of His children. We seek the Holy Spirit’s leadership in each service as we worship together in “Spirit and in Truth.”
- Wednesday Fellowship Meals – During the school year we have meals prepared at the church to give the busy families one less thing to contend with before coming to church. We currently share in a fellowship meal at 5:00 pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month. This is the night we have “break out” Men and Women’s studies. Funding is by donation.
- Wednesday Bible Study –
Our mid-week service schedule is as follows: 1st Wednesday of the month is “Specials Choir” practice for those in that choir. Allare welcome to participate, however Pastor meets with any others who feel the choir is not quite their calling, for a Biblical “Current Events” topic study. This is alively, interesting study, again from a Biblical perspective, with a focus on the relevance of the topic to Christians today. On the 2nd & 3rd Wednesday of the month, Pastor teaches the whole church together, addressing various topics that we deal with in everyday life from a Biblical perspective, as well as Scriptural doctrine. The service is interactive, conducted in a teaching style rather than a more formal preaching style. Questions, personal study, and comments are welcomed and encouraged. The 4th Wednesday night of the month is our “Break out” men and women’s studies. This study is aimed at issues and life experiences specific to our ladies and men. The Bible has many passages that teach specific lessons to women, as well as particular commandments for men. The Pastor’s wife encourages the women in her study to participate, interact, and actively engage in sharing life experiences, lessons they have learned through Biblical study, hardships, challenges, and just having to live “in” the world but not “of” the world. The men’s teacher endeavors to mold the lives of the men attending this study into being Godly Ambassadors for Christ, as well as the Godly men they have been call to be in leading their families and being good examples in our society.
- Wednesday Children’s Study and Activities – Children have their own time of study apart from the adults. They experience a Bible lesson, and often have crafts and activity sheets to complete. Snacks are given and there is a time of game playing to exhaust some of that youthful energy!
- Sunday School – We meet each Sunday morning at 9:45 A.M. We have classes for all ages. Each class member is given a Sunday school book for the quarter to keep and study from. The lessons enlighten attendees about the teachings of our Lord and how they apply to our lives and living.
- Revival – Cross Roads MBC holds revival starting July 9th through July 14th. We hold morning services at 10:30 A.M., followed by dinner prepared by the church. Evening service begins at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday (M – F evening start is 7:00 pm) Revival is two-fold: It is a time of spiritual renewal for God’s people and His church as well as a time of outreach to those separated from God.
- Vacation Bible School (VBS) -Vacation Bible School is an annual event at Cross Roads. It is held each year in the evenings (contact church for dates) It is comprised of Four (4) to Five (5) days of Bible lessons, crafts, snacks and activities. See pictures of this year’s VBS under the “Media/Photos” Icon. It is always a great time of fun for the children and even the adults.
- Fall Festival – Another annual event held in October each year. A fun harvest themed outdoor picnic complete with bonfire, hay ride, and games. You won’t want to miss the community chili Pot. (See CALENDAR icon).
- Bowling Outing – Annual winter event for all those suffering from the winter blahs. Get together and try out your STRIKE ball! Great Pizza too at the New Johnsonville Skyway Lanes Bowling Alley.
- Missionary Support – As a Missionary Baptist Church, we are “missions” minded. On a monthly basis we send support monies to both “home” and “foreign” mission needs. This year we sent support to several works:
Elder Rick Jones – Jamaica Mission
Elder Tom Olande –Kenya, Africa work.
Elder Eugene Brown – Words of Hope Short Wave Ministry.
Several other missionary works…
- Christmas Basket Ministry & Caroling - This is a great outreach and fun event for all who love to carol. All of us singers (and even some who are not) load up on a school bus and go various houses in the community where people can’t get out at Christmas time. We sing carols and deliver hand made goody baskets filled with wonderful treats and fruit, an expression of our thoughts and prayers for them.
- Christmas Program - Set on a Sunday in December, our annual Christmas program depicts the story of Jesus in song, drama, and message. All ages are encouraged to participate and everyone is invited to attend. In past years we have had adults and children involved in speech choirs, plays, and solo singing. A great way to kick off the holidays!
- 5th Sunday Fellowship Meals – Every month with a 5th Sunday is designated as “Potluck” fellowship. Following the morning service we gather for dinner and enjoy one another’s company. We have some fantastic cooks! Evening services are cancelled so everyone can fellowship together with both church and secular family.
- Tape Ministry – We tape our sermons and make them available to the sick and shut-in. Sermon copies can be made on tape or CD for distribution to anyone who requests, or sermons can be heard on-line via this website.
- Nursery Available (during morning worship) – Nursery for those 5 years of age and younger. It is near the worship area and has its own bathroom, crib and changing area.
- Music Ministry – Music is an important part of every service. We have congregational and choir singing. We also enjoy the solo talents of several who provide special music from time to time. All are welcome to participate and be a part of the choir.
- Church Library – Cross Roads offers a wonderful church library to aid in our growth and development. It contains many commentaries, instructional and inspirational books that can be “borrowed” for personal study and growth.