My recount of my salvation starts when I was very young. My parents faithfully took me to Cross Roads every time church was held; back in those days that was only two times per week. We had Sunday School every Sunday and the initial seeds of salvation were planted my Sunday School teachers, Sister Deaton, Sister Howe and Sister Hedges. I, like most people knew the story of Jesus and how He died for our sins, but not until I was near 12 years old did I feel the conviction placed on my heart by the Holy Spirit. The first time I knew I needed a personal relationship with the Lord was when my Uncle Darel took me to revival one hot August day.
As the years past by and the conviction deepen in my heart, revival was being held in the year 1976. Bro. Harold Carver was the visiting minister and he preached his sermon (don't remember a word of the sermon), I had come to the point that I knew that I had to totally surrender to the Lord. I came and prayed for some while and in an instant I felt just the Lord speak to my heart, "You're Saved". It was as if He lifted me to my feet and I told everyone that I had just been saved.
I went ahead and joined the church that night as did others,including my father and grandmother (Thelma). We were all baptized together the next day in the Tennessee River. Many things have transpired since that time, but the peace that He gave me has stayed with me and provides a shelter in the mist of the storms that come in my life as well as knowing that all the good things come from Him.